Sunday, November 30, 2014

The French Revolution: The Rise of Napoleon

So out of the chaos of the French Revolution, arises a great new power whole will stand tall and tower over Europe (or at least a large part of it). His name is Napoleon. And contrary to popular belief, he wasn't short (at least not for his era of history).

You will continue your quest to create the ultimate Crash Course video over the French Revolution. In Part I, you covered the causes of the Revolution up through the Reign of Terror. Now it's time to make sense of the chaos, turn France from a Republic to an Empire and back.
You may work with the same groups as Part I, or you may elect to change groups. Just remember there are 3 groups, 2 groups of 5 and 1 group of 4.

Here are the terms, people, and events to work into your script (due by Thur) and video (due next Monday) ...
- Alexander I
- Berlin Decrees
- Bourbons
- Concordat of 1801
- Congress of Vienna
- Continental System
- Directory
- Emigres
- Grand Duchy of Warsaw
- Holy Alliance
- Hundred Days
- Invasion of Russia
- Junkers
- Liberalism
- Metternich
- Milan Decree 1807
- Napoleon Bonaparte
- Napoleonic Code
- Nationalism
- Quadruple Alliance
- Romanticism
- Treaty of Tilsit
- Wars of Liberation
- Waterloo

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