Monday, November 30, 2015

The Circle of Revolution: The People and Events

The French Revolution plays a tipping point in European history. The 3rd Estate in France sees the ideas and philosophies of the Enlightenment have some success in the American Revolution (that France played an important role in making successful) - now they want their turn. They want a voice in a country full of national pride, yet that is on the verge of economic chaos.
Below you will find two lists - one of people and one of events.

Today you will work on the events of the early French Revolution (we will break this project into parts, and bring it all together next week).

Events - place the events in order, find the date (or range of time) that each took place. Give a brief description of the event (i.e. what led to this event taking place, the people and/or groups involved, and what role this event had within the French Revolution has a whole), and find or draw a picture that shows the importance of the event.
Use your book, the books Mr. Moulden has on the center table, the videos linked below and good internet research (i.e. scholarly websites - not random blogs) to find your information. BE SURE TO KEEP A DOCUMENT OF YOUR RESOURCES!!!
I would accomplish this task in a Google Doc, shared with your ONE partner and Mr. Moulden.

With no further ado, here are the events to start with ...
- American Revolution
- Bastille
- Civil Constitution of the Clergy
- Committee of Public Safety
- Declaration of Rights and Man
- Dutch Patriot Revolt
- Estates General
- Great Fear
- National Convention
- Reign of Terror
- Seven Years' War
- Tennis Court Oath

That should be a good start, more to come!

Here are some videos ...

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