Thursday, March 10, 2016

World War II: You see what happen was ....

World War II is seen as a war that was inevitable, there were many reasons that led to its beginning. From the continued rise of nationalism, the search for needed resources, the economic woes of Europe, the unresolved issues from World War I, or the web of alliances can all be blamed. We are going to determine which is the root cause.

In your groups, you are going to put forth an argument for which reason the base reason that started Europe on the path to World War II. We are looking for the reason that led to everything else, the root of all the issues that put Europe on the path to war - again. Each group can make an argument as to why their stance is A reason that led to the start of World War II, I want to know why your reason is THE reason.
We will debate on Friday - each group will deliver a 1 to 2 min argument as to why their issue was THE issue, have specific evidence. I will then, as an independent moderator, begin to ask leading questions - different groups will be allowed to respond in 30-45 seconds responses, I will be looking for specific evidence again. If your issue is argued against by other group in their response to a question, you will be given a 20-30 sec period to respond. You are allowed to have prepared visuals (use Google Slides and share with me so they can be projected) for your opening argument, or for anything you think may come up.

Good luck and let the games begin.

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