Monday, March 28, 2016

Cold War: A Self Study Guide

The following will be due at the end of class on Friday, you will need to work on some AP Euro each day so not to fall behind. With the testing schedule this week this will be on you to do.

Part I
Read Ch. 19 in the textbook and pp. 167-172 in the AP Review Book. Using that has background information write a thesis (only a thesis but a complete thesis) to the following prompt.
      - Compare and contrast the political and economic effects of the Cold War (1945-1989) on
         Western Europe and Eastern Europe.

Part II
Give me the supporting details, minimum of 3 for each, (specific proper names and dates) you would use to answer the following SAQ style prompts.
     - Analyze how NATO's 'containment' policy of Soviet Russia was successful in maintaining
        peace during the Cold War era.
     - Explain how the Cold War was not a 'cold' war, but actually military conflict between
       warring ideals.

Part III
Complete an OPTIC over each of the linked paintings and answer the following question ...
    Pablo Picasso, Guernica 1937
    Jackson Pollock, Number 14 1951, 1951
    - How is Jackson Pollock's art a reaction to the changing society during the Cold War, compare this
       to Picasso during his time period of work.

Part IV
Read the primary and secondary sources in the 'new' orange book ...
The Cold War: A Soviet Perspective pp. 196-197
The Berlin Wall pp. 197-198
The Cold War and European Integration pp. 205-206
Origins of the Cold War pp. 211-212

For each document write a P.O.V. you can use in the following DBQ prompt AND write a thesis for the prompt.
     - From 1945 to 1989 Europe's role in world conflicts is ever changing, evaluate the role the
       Cold War policies impacted this changing role.

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