Monday, April 4, 2016

CWN: The Cold War News

Create a video newscast on “A Look Back at the Cold War”. You and a partner will pick 2 topics from the list below, except one group. One group will not be responsible for researching/recording a topic; rather, they will be responsible for compiling the videos from their classmates, editing it into a movie AND being the News Anchors/Announcers that link the topics together.

Each segment should include a retrospective and detailed explanation of the events, their importance to the time period, and visual evidence. It can include interviews with important people (either real or staged) and/or actual footage. Your segment should include S.P.R.I.T.E.
            S: Social
            P: Political
            R: Religious
            I: Intellectual
            T: Technology
            E: Economic

Thus, the topics include:

1)     Newscast editors/Announcers
2)     Cold War USSR under Stalin
3)     Early Cold War policies/events (Berlin Blockade/Airlift, Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, NATO, Warsaw Pact)
4)     Attempted breaks from Communism (Prague Spring in 1968, Hungary 1956, Poland Solidarity Movement of the 1980s)
5)     Cold War USSR under Khruschev and Brezhnev
6)     Cold War USSR under Gorbachev & the end of satellite states
7)     The end of communism in the USSR
8)     Britain during the Cold War
9)     France during the Cold War
10) Central Europe & Italy during the Cold War
11)Scandinavia during the Cold War
12)The European Union, Maastrict Treaty & the Euro
13)The continued crisis in the Balkans (civil war in Yugoslavia, establishment of new states, Milosevic etc)

Topics will be selected first come, first served

Your due date to submit videos to the editors will be in class on Thursday April 7th. The completed video will be due the following Tuesday April 12th

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